Have you noticed you’re seeing less patients than a few years ago? Or having to bulk bill more patient? A recent article by the ABC said Australians are putting off seeing a doctor because they are unable to afford the out of pocket expenses. However, during the 2017-2018 financial year, Medicare bulk billing rate hit an all-time high of 86%, and more than 133 million GP services were bulk billed.
With the decreasing costs paid to doctors, practices and clinics are looking for ways to cut costs. One solution is to decrease staff costs and limit the amount of staff, including receptionists. If efficiencies aren’t created, this can than mean a lack of service to patients.
So what can you do?
- A practice should map out where their costs are going and what can be improved
- On physical products (e.g. stationary) shop around for a competitive price
- Market your practice. Create content or share content about when people should see a doctor.
Today for any business, not just the medical industry, having a good service and experience for patients is key.