What to include:
- Contact details
Your contact details should be easily readable and up-to-date. This will include your email, mobile number and address. Make sure your email address and your mobile voice mail is professional.
- Personal summary
Include a short summary of who you are, and your overall career goal. This summary should provide an indication of your interest in the position, and be tailored to the specific job description.
- Skills
Tailor your resume to the particular job you are applying for, by including specific skills which are listed in the job description.
- Employment history
Outline each of your roles in chronological order, starting with the one that is the most recent. Each position should include your job title, employer, dates and role description. List your key responsibilities and achievements in each role.
- Education
Include higher education and professional qualifications, beginning with the highest qualification. Also include any Medical Admin training you have completed.
- Software experience
If you have experience with software that is appropriate for the medical admin role, include the software. This could be Genie, BlueChip, Microsoft Office etc. Remember to only include software you have had experience with and feel confident to use.
- Simple & consistent font
Ensure your font is simple and easy to read. This may include Arial, Times New Roman, Veranda, and Calibri.
- Appropriate length
Your resume should be approximately 2-5 pages long. Ensure your resume has a neat layout, and be careful not to over-crowd your pages with excessive text.
What to avoid:
- Clichés
Avoid falling back on over-used and predictable phrases. Rather, express your skills in a way which aligns with the specific job description and requirements.
- Unnecessary information
You are not required to disclose your birth date unless you are a junior (< 21 y/o). You are also not required to disclose your marital status, religion or nationality.
- Salary details
It is not necessary for you to reveal information about your current salary, or the salary you are expecting. It will be more useful if you use this information as a negotiating tool later on.
- Hobbies / interests
It is not essential for you to include your hobbies and interests. If you do choose to include this, ensure you keep it simple and only list those which are relevant to the position. It may be useful to include hobbies which highlight your teamwork or communication skills.
- References
It may be beneficial to avoid references, to prevent the hiring manager from contacting your existing employer. If the hiring manager does need referee information, they will contact you directly.
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